Schema Documentation
DbSchema can generate interactive documentation in HTML5 and PDF format.
We recommend first creating multiple diagrams, each focused on a specific part of the schema.
Generate the Documentation
If the documentation comments use special Unicode characters (Russian, Chinese, Japan, etc.),
select the Embed Unicode Font from the PDF option.
Go to Diagram > Export HTML5 or PDF Documentation;
Choose the format: HTML5 or PDF;
Choose the diagrams to include:
- Current
- Open
- Selected
- All having tag 'documentation' - In the Diagram Properties dialog, near comments you can configure tags.
The diagrams will be sorted in the documentation based on the 'documentation' tag value.
Choose documentation content;
You preview the documentation in your browser.
Add Comments in the Diagram
When creating tables or columns, you can add comments about their contents in the Description section.
Read these comments in the HTML5 Documentation if you hover over the table or column.
Beside text comments, DbSchema can store comment tags, as pairs of (key-value). The comment tags will be available in the generated documentation and
can be used in
Automation Scripts.
Explore the Documentation
Open the HTML5 documentation using any browser. Read the tables and columns comments as mouse-over tooltips.
Programmatically Generate Documentation
Documentation can be generated using Groovy Scripts. Read further details in the