
Our Main Affiliates

DbSchema Affiliates

Become an Reseller

Resellers can create an account by PayPalPro, our payment gateway.

Create Account


  • Get a quote transferred directly to the reseller bank account: 1-5 licenses 10%, 6-10 15%, 11+ 20%.
  • Resellers will receive the quote next years, for the renewals.
  • Invoices and license keys are generated correctly, using the end-user name and address
  • The license keys will be sent directly to the end-user
  • The purchase can be done also by the end-customer, using the links generated here

Generate Purchase Links

New Licenses

Replace the {affiliateid} in the link below. The purchase can be done by reseller or the end-customer - in both cases the reseller will receive the quote.{YourAffiliateId}

or by license type:

Renew License

Purchase the renewal by replacing the subscriptionid into this link. The quote will be transferred automatically to the affiliate bank account.{yourSubscriptionId}

Generate a quote using:{yourSubscriptionId}&display-quote=true&quote-mode=editable