DbSchema is ISO-27001 certified. DbSchema is a desktop application, written in JavaFX, build to support large databases with over 10.000 tables. For security reasons we use Git as collaboration method, which means our customers will always keep their data inside their organization. As stated in our EULA, we don't transmit any data outside the application.
The communication with the database is done through JDBC drivers, provided by the same companies who wrote the database software. Most of the offer a high level of encryption, MFA authentication, SSL, etc.
There are database designers offering cloud solutions as collaboration method. We consider this as unsecure, since there are many levels where the security can be broken: communication with the cloud, cloud web server, etc.
We use Git as collaboration solution ( can be an internal company server or a Git provider: Github, Bitbucket, etc.). This are market established solutions offering a high level of security. Using company internal Git servers is the most secure approach. Alternatively, you can use any other versioning system.
Our licenses are perpetual and never expire. They include one year of free upgrades to newly released versions, as well as maintenance and support. After the first year, you can continue to receive the latest updates by purchasing a renewal license.
After one year of purchasing your license, you will have the option to renew in order to continue receiving the latest updates. You can easily purchase a renewal license at a reasonable price.
We are constantly improving DbSchema with new features, tools, database support, bug fixes, library updates, drivers, and security updates.
DbSchema.exe /create-i4j-log
(This will indicate where the log is created.)export INSTALL4J_LOG=yes /Applications/DbSchema/DbSchema.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub
/Applications/DbSchema/.install4j/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/bin/java -cp "lib/*" com.wisecoders.dbs.DbSchema
jre/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dglass.platform=Monocle -Dmonocle.platform=Headless -Dprism.order=sw -cp "lib/*" com.wisecoders.dbs.DbSchema -x sample.groovy
Please check this post for detailed solutions. Below is the most important fix for macOS:
Check your current Java version:
whereis java
This will return /usr/bin/java
, which typically points to Apple's older Java 1.6 version:
To use the new Java version, update the symlink:
sudo rm /usr/bin/java sudo ln -s /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java /usr/bin/java
DbSchema takes several steps to ensure the highest standards of security: