CSV Editor

DbSchema includes a free CSV Editor for large files, up to 5G, depending on the free memory on your computer. The editor is available under both, DbSchema Community and Pro editions.

Open the CSV Editor

Open the editor from the Query Tools menu.
Open the CSV Editor

In the next step, you can choose the file to open, and the CSV format: file encoding, fields and records delimiters, and quote character. DbSchema will try to guess first this for you.

Press 'Cancel' to edit a new CSV.

Choose CSV File Format

Add New Rows or Columns

Right-click one of the column or row headers to add a new row or column.
Add new row or column

Filter & Sort the Data

From the column pop-up menu, you can set filters or sort the data. DbSchema is trying to guess the column data type, so the sorting for numeric and date columns is working correctly.
Filter and sort the data

Edit the Data

Double-click any cell to edit its content.
Edit the data

Save Format

Use 'File / Save As' to save the edited CSV under a given file and format.
Save the CSV File