DbSchema is a powerful database management and design tool for ScyllaDB.
It offers features such as visual schema design, team collaboration with GIT, schema deployment and HTML schema documentation.
How to Connect to ScyllaDB Database
Access the Connection Dialog
Choose "Connect to the database" or "New Model Connected to the Database" will let you select your database
and open the Connection Dialog.
DbSchema automatically downloads the JDBC driverto connect to your database.
Configure the Connection
In the Connection Dialog window, select the JDBC URL you want to connect with. If your database is running in the cloud,
choose Edit Manually and insert the JDBC URL from the cloud console.
Enter the host name, the authentication details, select your database as described in the Connection Dialog page.
Troubleshoot Firewall Issues
If you encounter connection issues, it may be due to firewall settings. Read how to enable Firewall Connections.
Firewalls & anti-viruses may block database connections.
DbSchema connects to ScyllaDB using its own JDBC driver which calls the native ScyllaDB driver.
The DbSchema driver is open source and can be found at /jdbc-driver/ScyllaDB.html.
The default DbSchema connection dialog shows an option to connect only to a single host.
To connect to multiple hosts use the 'JDBC URL' tab and edit a string like here:
Edit the DbSchema.vmoptions file (in the DbSchema installation folder or ./DbSchema.app/Contents/vmoptions.txt on Mac OS) and add this parameters:
-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/path/to/client.truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=password123 # If you're using client authentication: -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/path/to/client.keystore -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=password123
How to Enable Remote Connections for ScyllaDB on Windows
To enable remote connections you will have to edit the cassandra.yaml file from C:\Program Files\DataStax Community\apache-cassandra\conf
The 'cdc_raw_directory' does not exist in the default configuration file. ScyllaDB server 3.9 didn't start without adding it.
Look in DataStax-DCC/logs for errors.
Go to -> Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools -> Services -> Restart service. DataStax DDC Server 3.9.0 .
ScyllaDB databases talk to each other using a different protocol on a different port. These two can not be the same and gives us some extra configuration.
ScyllaDB Default ports:
- 9042 ScyllaDB client port.
- 9160 ScyllaDB client port (Thrift).
How to Install ScyllaDB on Windows
ScyllaDB can be installed on Windows from https://academy.datastax.com/planet-cassandra//cassandra.
After installation go to installation folder: C:\Program Files\DataStax Community\apache-cassandra\conf and enable remote connections as in the previous chapter.
From Windows menu you can start DataStax Dev Center and connect to the installed ScyllaDB:
To execute a command select first a connection in the top menu.
CREATE KEYSPACE sample WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1' : 3 } AND DURABLE_WRITES =false;
CREATE TABLE sample.table1 ( id intprimary key, name text);
CREATE TYPE sample.flagtype (data map<text,text>,working text);