How to Connect to Cassandra Database
The connection dialog is explained
How to Configure the Cassandra JDBC URL
DbSchema connects to Cassandra using its own JDBC driver which calls the native Cassandra driver.
The DbSchema driver is open source and can be found at
The default DbSchema connection dialog shows an option to connect only to a single host.
To connect to multiple hosts use the 'JDBC URL' tab and edit a string like here:
Find the DataCenter using 'nodetool status' or 'nodetool -h ::FFFF: status'.
This will be translate an URL like jdbc:cassandra:// into:
Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint("").withPort(9042).build();
Session session = cluster.connect("mykeyspace");
Connect using SSL
Edit the DbSchema.vmoptions file (in the DbSchema installation folder or ./ on Mac OS) and add this parameters:
# If you're using client authentication:
How to Enable Remote Connections for Cassandra on Windows
To enable remote connections you will have to edit the cassandra.yaml file from C:\Program Files\DataStax Community\apache-cassandra\conf
set the
- start_rpc: true
- rpc_address: your_ip
- cdc_raw_directory: "C:/Program Files/DataStax-DDC/data/cdc_raw"
The 'cdc_raw_directory' does not exist in the default configuration file. Cassandra server 3.9 didn't start without adding it.
Look in DataStax-DCC/logs for errors.
Go to -> Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools -> Services -> Restart service.
DataStax DDC Server 3.9.0 .
Cassandra databases talk to each other using a different protocol on a different port. These two can not be the same and gives us some extra configuration.
Cassandra Default ports:
- 9042 Cassandra client port.
- 9160 Cassandra client port (Thrift).
How to Run Cassandra using Docker Containers
Install Cassandra as described in
this tutorial.
This is the simplest method, and ensures all libraries are included.
WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
'datacenter1' : 3 } AND DURABLE_WRITES = false;
CREATE TABLE sample.table1 ( id int primary key, name text);
CREATE TYPE sample.flagtype (data map<text,text>,working text);
CREATE TABLE sample.table1a (abc text,
hello text,
flag frozen<flagtype>,
INSERT INTO sample.table1a JSON '{"abc":"abc", "hello":"world", "flag":{"data":{"hi":"cassandra"}, "working":"no"}}';