DbSchema Database Designer

DbSchema | SQLite - How to Use UNION Clause?

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  3. UNION Clause
  4. Advantages and Limitations of UNION Clause
  5. Restrictions on UNION Clause
  6. Difference between UNION Clause and UNION ALL Clause
  7. Implementing UNION in sqlite3
  8. Implementing UNION in DbSchema
  9. Conclusion
  10. References


SQLite is a widely used __relational database management system that employs SQL (Structured Query Language). This __article explores the use of the __UNION clause in SQLite, specifically within the __sqlite3 and __DbSchema environments. The __UNION operator allows the combination of two or more __SELECT` statements into a single result set, providing that each SELECT statement contains the same number of columns and similar data types.


Before you proceed, ensure that you have:

  1. __SQLite` installed on your machine. You can download it from the official SQLite website.
  2. __DbSchema` installed. Download it from the DbSchema website.
  3. Basic knowledge of __SQL` syntax.

For installation and establishing connection you can read our article SQLite-How to create a database?

UNION Clause

In SQLite, the __UNION clause __combines the result sets of two or more __SELECT statements into a single result set. The __UNION operator removes duplicate rows from the result.

Advantages and Limitations of UNION Clause


  1. It allows the __combination of results from multiple SELECT statements into a single __comprehensive result.
  2. It __removes duplicate entries, ensuring that the final result is __unique.


  1. The UNION operator can be __slower compared to individual SELECT statements, especially on large datasets, because it needs to remove __duplicate entries.
  2. All __SELECT statements within the __UNION must have the __same number of columns` and corresponding data types.

Restrictions on UNION Clause

  1. The number of columns and their __data types must be the same in all the SELECT statements being __united.
  2. The column names in the __result set are usually determined by the column names in the first __SELECT statement.

Difference between UNION Clause and UNION ALL Clause

SQLite UNION alt >

Removes duplicate rows from the result. Does not remove duplicate rows from the result.
May be slower due to the process of removing duplicates. Faster, as it does not need to process removing duplicates.

SQLite UNION ALL  alt >

Implementing UNION in sqlite3

Here’s how you can implement the UNION operator in sqlite3:

Step 1: Install sqlite3

If you haven’t already, you need to install sqlite3 on your machine. You can download it from the official SQLite website.

Step 2: Start sqlite3

To start sqlite3, open your terminal and type __sqlite3`. You will then see the sqlite3 command-line interface.


Step 3: Create a New Database

To create a new database, type the following command:

.open sampleDB.db

To know more about creating a database you can read our article SQLite-How to create a database?

Step 4: Create the Tables and Insert Data

Next, let’s create two tables, __Employees and __Contractors, and insert some data into them.

CREATE TABLE Employees (
  name TEXT,
  department TEXT

INSERT INTO Employees (name, department) VALUES 
('John Doe', 'Sales'),
('Jane Doe', 'Marketing');

CREATE TABLE Contractors (
  name TEXT,
  department TEXT

INSERT INTO Contractors (name, department) VALUES 
('Mark Smith', 'Sales'),
('Jane Smith', 'Marketing');

To know more about creating a table you can read our article SQLite-How to create a Table?

Step 5: Implement UNION

Now that we have some data in our tables, we can implement the UNION operator.

SELECT name, department FROM Employees
SELECT name, department FROM Contractors;

Sample Database:

Employees Table:

name department
__John Doe` Sales
__Jane Doe` Marketing

Contractors Table:

name department
__Mark Smith` Sales
__Jane Smith` Marketing


Following result will be obtained after executing UNION Clause:

name department
__John Doe` Sales
__Jane Doe` Marketing
__Mark Smith` Sales
__Jane Smith` Marketing

Step 6: Implement UNION ALL

Now we will implement UNION ALL clause on our sample database.

SELECT name, department FROM Employees
SELECT name, department FROM Contractors;


Following result will be obtained after executing __UNION ALL` Clause:

name department
__John Doe` Sales
__Jane Doe` Marketing
__Mark Smith` Sales
__Jane Smith` Marketing

Notice that if there were __duplicate` records between the Employees and Contractors tables, UNION ALL would have included them in the result.

Implementing UNION in DbSchema

Step 1: Install DbSchema

If you haven’t already, you need to install DbSchema on your machine. You can download it from the official DbSchema website.

Step 2: Connect to Your SQLite Database

After you open DbSchema, you need to connect it to your SQLite database. You can do this by clicking on __Connect to database` and filling in the necessary details.

Step 3: Create the Tables and Insert Data

Next, let’s create the __Employees and __Contractors tables and insert some data into them. You can do this in the ‘SQL Editor’.

To know more about creating a table you can read our article SQLite-How to create a Table?

Step 4: Implement UNION

Finally, we can implement the UNION operator. You can do this in the __SQL Editor` as well.

SELECT name, department FROM Employees
SELECT name, department FROM Contractors;

After you run the query, you can see the results in the ‘Query Results’ tab.

Visually Manage SQLite using DbSchema

DbSchema is a __SQLite client and __visual designer. DbSchema has a free Community Edition, which can be downloaded here.

Key Features of DbSchema:

Following are the key features of DbSchema which distinguish it from other database GUI tools.


The __UNION operator is a powerful tool in SQL that allows you to __combine the results of multiple __SELECT statements. However, it does have certain limitations and should be used carefully. While the __implementation of the UNION operator is pretty standard across different SQL environments, the specific way to do it may vary __slightly`.


  1. SQLite UNION Operator
  2. DbSchema Documentation
  3. SQLite Official Website
  4. DbSchema Official Website

Visually Manage Databases using DbSchema

DbSchema is a databases client and visual designer. DbSchema has a free Community Edition, which can be downloaded here.
DbSchema main features include:

DbSchema Designer alt >

Interactive Diagrams

Design tables, column and foreign keys directly in diagrams, by double-clicking them. Changes will be saved to the design model and, if DbSchema is connected to the database also into the database. More.

Connection Dialog alt >

Simple Connection Dialog

Choose the database location, the user and password, and simply get connected. Choose 'Edit Manually' into the JDBC URL combo to enter a custom URL. More.

Relational Data Explorer alt >

Relational Data Explorer

Explore data from multiple tables simultaneously, using foreign keys or virtual foreign keys. Double-click cells to edit the data. More.

Query Builder alt >

Query Builder

Create SQL Queries featuring JOINS, GROUP BY, ORDER BY just using the mouse. More.

SQL Query Editor alt >

SQL Query Editor

Edit and execute SQL Queries. The editor is autocompletion-enabled. More.

Schema Synchronization alt >

Design Schema in Team & Schema Deployment

DbSchema is using the design model, a copy of the schema structure, independent of the database.
The design model can be saved to file and shared in a team.
Connecting to another database you may compare the design model with the database, commit the differences or merge them in the design model. More.

Dark Theme alt >

Dark Theme

Configurable styles & dark theme. More.

Many features are available in the free Community edition.
The Pro edition adds capabilities to save the design to the model file, design schema in team and deploy the schema on multiple databases.

DbSchema can be downloaded for free. No registration is required.