DbSchema Database Designer

DbSchema | MySQL - How to DROP Foreign Key CONSTRAINTS

1.Using SQL

In MySQL you can DROP the Foreign Key constraints from a table by executing the next query:

ALTER TABLE __table`
DROP FOREIGN KEY __id_name_fk`;

If you want to disable the foreign keys just temporary, you can use the next query:

To disable


To enable


If you want to execute the DROP CONSTRAINT in MySQL, you have to also drop the indexes.

ALTER TABLE __table`
DROP FOREIGN KEY __id_name_fk`;

2.Using DbSchema

In DbSchema, you can drop the constraints straight from the diagram.

  1. Open the tables in the layout;

  2. Right-click on the foreign key;

  3. Select Drop.

dbschema drop contraints

Visual Design & Schema Diagram

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➤ Easily arrange tables, columns, and foreign keys to simplify complex database structures, ensuring clarity and accessibility.

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