Download MongoDb JDBC Driver

What are JDBC Drivers?

JDBC drivers are Java library files with the extension '.jar', used by Java applications to connect to the database. Usually they are provided by the same company which developed the database software.

What is the JDBC URL?

The JDBC Driver requires the JDBC URL to know where the database is located ( on which machine and port), the database name or other settings. All this are passed as a string, specific for each database and driver.

Download the MongoDb JDBC Driver

We open source our JDBC driver for MongoDb. DbSchema features for MongoDb are described here. The driver source code is accessible on GitHub.

The driver binaries can be downloaded as zip file, which you should uncompress.

Download JDBC Driver

Download the zip, unpack and include the jar files in your classpath. The driver is compatible with Java 11. for any issues with the driver, you can write to us.

For accessing the driver source code please visit the GitHub repository:

Driver Source Code

The driver is written on top of the native MongoDb Java driver.

The driver URL is the same as in the MongoDb documentation.
Example :


The URL allows connecting to multiple databases. In DbSchema you can set this by choosing 'Custom URL' in the connection editor and entering the URL as string. For URL details check the MongoDb documentation.

MongoDb Atlas

Create an account by MongoDb Atlas and login. There you have an option to connect which will provide the URI. In the DbSchema Connection Dialog use manual URL configuration. On the same connection page you have also a link to change a user password in the database.


Try the MongoDb JDBC Driver using DbSchema

DbSchema is a desktop application which can connect to MongoDb using JDBC drivers.
  1. 1 Download DbSchema. DbSchema has a Free Community Edition and a PRO Edition No email or registration is required.
  2. 2 Choose to connect to the database, and choose MongoDb. Connect to database
  3. 3 Connection-dialog

    At this point, DbSchema already downloads the JDBC driver into this folders:

    • C:\Users\YourUser\.DbSchema\drivers\MongoDb (Windows) or
    • /Users/YourUser/.DbSchema/drivers/MongoDb (Linux and MacOS).

    In the Connection Dialog, choose the driver and a JDBC URL template. Some databases have multiple connection options, so you might see several templates. Select whether the database is on your computer or a different one. If it’s on another machine, find the host name. Read our documentation to find the Host Name.

  4. 4 Press the Ping button to test the connectivity.
  5. 5 Edit JDBC URL In the URL dropdown, there is an option to 'Manually Edit the URL', which allows customization and cloud connections. Select this option to view and modify the generated JDBC URL.
  6. 6 DbSchema Diagrams After connecting, DbSchema will reverse-engineer the database and create the initial diagrams. Double-click any table header or column to edit.
  7. 7 DbSchema Dark Theme DbSchema integrates multiple themes so you can personalize your interface. I will present the next features in the Dark Theme.
  8. 8 Visual Query Builder Build SQL Queries visually without having to write any line of code. Add and edit tables with a simple click.
  9. 9 Relational Data Editor The Relational Data Editor can visually explore data from multiple tables. You can cascade into further tables via foreign keys or virtual foreign keys. There is no limit to how many tables can be opened at once.
  10. 10 Schema Synchronization DbSchema model contains its own image of the schema, independent from the database. Connecting to another database won't change the model schema unless you choose to refresh it from the database.
  11. 11 Automation Scripts DbSchema can execute Groovy or Java Scripts with direct access to the DbSchema API. This will help to solve different tasks without visual interaction.
  12. 12 SQL Editor Discover the SQL Editor from the menu to edit and execute queries. For a detailed list of features, please read this Documentation