MongoDB Visual Designer

DbSchema can visualize and model the MongoDb structure as diagrams. It can create and edit the validation rules, visually build queries, explore the data, generate data and more.

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DbSchema for MongoDB

Visual Design the MongoDB Validation Schema

MongoDB is using validation rules to ensure a given structure of a collection. DbSchema can reverse engineer the validation rules and show them as diagrams. Creating new collections in DbSchema will also implement the validation rules in the database. DbSchema is drawing as diagrams the collections without validation rules by scanning the collection structure for several documents and guessing the fields out of that.

Comments on collections or fields can be added directly in the diagram. The comments will be saved in the collection validation rule and to the model file. Next HTML5 or PDF documentation can be generated, where the collection and field comments can be read as mouse-over tooltips.

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MongoDb Schema Documentation

Share the Design in a Team

The MongoDB collection structure including the validation rules are reverse engineer into the DbSchema Model. The model is saved to the file. Advantages:

  1. 1
    Compare the Model with Different Databases
    Compare the Model with any MongoDB databases and list the differences.
  2. 2
    Share the Model in a Team
    Push the model file in GIT and share it in a team.
  1. 3
    Compare two versions of the same Model
    Comparing two different model files can show the differences between different versions of the same database.
  2. 4
    Design the MongoDB without database connectivity
    The model file can be open offline, without database connectivity.
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DbSchema Model File
DbSchema Model File

Video Presentation

DbSchema Video Presentation

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